Car Rental Umhlanga Rates

Pace are experienced in long term car rental in Umhlanga.
Call us on 031 350 4922 or email
for more information.

No credit card? No problem! Cash, EFT, credit and debit card bookings welcome. We can help with your next rental using cash. Pace Car Rental – for the long term! After selecting a reputable rental company like Pace Car Rental Umhlanga you can start to compare rates.

  Rates are subject to change. Please note that there is a R500 surcharge on minibus rentals of 1 day.

Umhlanga Car Rental Rates: Including Super Cover & Theft Waivers

Rates effective from 6 January 2025 to 30 November 2025.

GroupCar Type or similarTransmissionDaily Rate 200km/day7+ Days 200km/dayMonthly Rate 100km/dayExtra (R per Km)Refundable Security DepositLiability
ARenault Kwid, Toyota Agya or similarManualR370R310R5,990R2.80R4,000R4,000
PAToyota Agya Automatic or similarAutomaticR430R370R7,500R3.00R4,000R4,000
BSuzuki Swift or similarManualR461R388R6,999R3.70R4,000R4,000
B+VW Polo Vivo, Toyota Starlet or similarManualR570R460R7,499R3.70R4,500R4,500
CNissan Almera or similarManualR495R396R8,400R4.00R5,000R5,000
DToyota Starlet or similarAutomaticR630R510R9,600R4.50R5,000R5,000
D+Toyota Corolla Quest or similarAutomaticR676R587R10,500R4.50R5,500R5,500
GBMW 3 Series, Volvo Luxury or similarAutomaticR1,090R917R22,500R9.40R9,000R9,000
OHaval Jolion 5-Seater (Automatic) or similarAutomaticR750R675R12,990R5.80R10,000R10,000
O+Toyota Fortuner 7-Seater (Automatic) or similarAutomaticR1,400R1,300R21,990R9.40R10,000R10,000
O++BMW X3 or similarAutomaticR1,945R1,739R28,500R12.00R10,000R10,000
OVVolvo XC90 or similarAutomaticR2,918R2,674R42,750R16.00R10,000R10,000
ISuzuki Ertiga 7-Seater or similarManualR880R720R13,500R5.80R5,000R5,000
EHyundai Staria 8/9-Seater (Automatic) incl. Towbar or similarAutomaticR1,400R1,120R19,200R9.40R11,000R11,000
XToyota Quantum 14-Seater or similarManual & AutomaticR1,572R1,309R24,900R9.40R11,000R11,000
XXToyota Coaster 22/23-Seater or similarAutomaticR2,178R1,815R35,000R9.40R11,000R11,000
JNissan NP200 Half-Ton Bakkie or similarManualR470R388R8,670R3.40R5,000R5,000
HDGWM Steed 5 One-Ton Diesel Bakkie (incl/excl Canopy) or similarManualR495R447R9,999R3.00R9,000R9,000
HD+GWM P Series 4×2 Single Cab (incl/excl Canopy) or similarManualR560R422R12,582R3.50R9,000R9,000
HHGWM P Series 4×2 Double Cab (incl/excl Canopy) or similarManual & AutomaticR820R740R13,440R7.00R9,000R9,000
HHXGWM P Series 4×4 Double Cab (incl/excl Canopy) or similarManual & AutomaticR1,270R1,090R20,000R9.00R11,000R11,000

Umhlanga Car Rental Rates: Including Standard Cover

Rates effective from 6 January 2025 to 30 November 2025.

GroupCar Type or similarTransmissionDaily Rate 200km/day7+ Days 200km/dayMonthly Rate 100km/dayExtra (R per Km)Refundable Security DepositLiability
ARenault Kwid, Toyota Agya or similarManualR350R290R5,390R2.80R15,000R15,000
PAToyota Agya Automatic or similarAutomaticR410R350R6,900R3.00R15,000R15,000
BSuzuki Swift or similarManualR441R368R6,399R3.70R15,000R15,000
B+VW Polo Vivo, Toyota Starlet or similarManualR550R460R6,899R3.70R16,000R16,000
CNissan Almera or similarManualR465R366R7,500R4.00R20,000R20,000
DToyota Starlet or similarAutomaticR600R480R8,700R4.50R20,000R20,000
D+Toyota Corolla Quest or similarAutomaticR646R557R9,600R4.50R22,000R22,000
MMINI Cooper Countryman or similarAutomaticR960R797R17,145R9.00R32,500R32,500
GBMW 3 Series, Volvo Luxury or similarAutomaticR1,090R852R20,550R9.40R40,000R40,000
OHaval Jolion 5-Seater (Automatic) or similarAutomaticR750R675R11,040R5.80R40,000R40,000
O+Toyota Fortuner 7-Seater (Automatic) or similarAutomaticR1,335R1,235R20,040R9.40R50,000R50,000
O++BMW X3 or similarAutomaticR1,880R1,674R26,550R12.00R65,000R65,000
OVVolvo XC90 or similarAutomaticR2,853R2,609R40,800R16.00R65,000R65,000
ISuzuki Ertiga 7-Seater or similar ManualR840R680R12,300R5.80R22,000R22,000
EHyundai Staria 8/9-Seater (Automatic) incl. Towbar or similarAutomaticR1,335R1,055R17,250R9.40R50,000R50,000
XToyota Quantum 14-Seater or similarManual & AutomaticR1,507R1,244R22,950R9.40R50,000R50,000
XXToyota Coaster 22/23-Seater or similarManualR2,113R1,750R33,050R9.40R50,000R50,000
JNissan NP200 Half-Ton Bakkie or similarManualR450R368R8,070R3.40R13,000R13,000
HDGWM Steed 5 One-Ton Diesel Bakkie (incl/excl Canopy) or similarManualR495R402R8,649R3.00R20,000R20,000
HD+GWM P Series 4×2 Single Cab (incl/excl Canopy) or similarManualR560R377R11,232R3.50R20,000R20,000
HHGWM P Series 4×2 Double Cab (incl/excl Canopy) or similarManual & AutomaticR755R675 R11,490R7.00R40,000R40,000
HHXGWM P Series 4×4 Double Cab (incl/excl Canopy) or similarManualR971R827R14,050R8.50R45,000R45,000

When comparing rates for your Umhlanga car rental there are three factors you should consider:

Rates for your Umhlanga car rental from Pace Car Rental

For enquiries or to book, email us at or call us on 031 350 4922View our range or book your vehicle now.  Super Cover and theft waivers included.

  • Vehicle type

    Is the vehicle you are renting right for your needs? For example, a double cab bakkie offers you more cabin space than a single cab bakkie, whilst the latter gives you more loading space.

  • Waivers

    What excess do you require for your rental car. This makes a big difference for your rental quotation, especially if you are renting the car for a longer period of time.

  • Free kilometres

    Depending on the kilometres that are required, your quote might differ. For example, a weekly car rental with 100 KM per day is slightly different to one with 200 KM per day.


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Our office hours are:

Monday-Friday: 08:00-17:00

Saturday: 09:00-12:00

Sunday: 09:00-11:00

PLEASE NOTE: Bookings outside office hours may be subject
to an after-hours fee which can then be added at time of confirmation
as the refundable deposit is added.

Pace reserves the right: to replace vehicle models with similar specifications. Our insurance does not cover gravel roads/glass/tyres/rims/negligence. Acceptance of waivers limits the renter’s liability to the compulsory excesses as above. Should the waiver be declined, the hirer is responsible for the full vehicle excess value of R12 000.

Terms and conditions apply. Pace Car Rental is a member of SAVRALA (the Southern African Vehicle Rental and Leasing Agency).